A downloadable game

1.go to https://baldifancuzwhynot6879.itch.io/bbcrandroid and download the apk file
2.after the apk is installed,go to https://gamepad.en.softonic.com/android and install gamepad!
3.after gamepad is installed,allow gamepad in your device's settings,after that is done,set the keybinds like this:

Up - W

Left - A

Down - S

Right - D

BUTTON A - Left Shift

Next thing.you need to add the interaction to the game.

here's a tut on how to do that

And also allow the gamepad notification,open the app and click the gamepad notification

Enjoy! XD


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The reason why bbcr never did get controls its because i have no clue how rewired works

You don't need rewired btw

Announcment:I'm on a vacay rn so I don't have access to my pc,and I can't work on bb+ or bbcr,soooo ill start working on them when I come back (3 days or so).



Its just a demo,most of the major bbcr features will be added in the next update

51 seconds ago?!

Srry I haven't been active,I was working on bb+ remade

Oh aight hope it will have contrrolls!

I am RLLY exited for BB + android!!! I've been waiting half a year for you to finish!!! Hopefully we won't have to wait much longer...

Its a remade version of bb+,using some code from bbcr.

Also,thx for waiting so long!

Mine doesn't work because i have a latest version of an android:(

Sorry mate :(

Me too,i can't even play my own port (i tested the game on another device of mine)


at least your not the only one..

Android 13?


Me too:(


You can make video tutorial plss

Ok,i will

I think there's in-game touch controls on this port!


I cant interact,it makes me run

try tapping on the screen

Can you show a screenshot of your settings

How do i put left mouse?

(1 edit)

my mistake,its also by tapping

When i TAP it does nothing

hold on